2.2 - Boleto change
API Method = ChangeBoleto
The change in payment slips is necessary when the data in the slip is not consistent with the billing data (values or due date).
In view of this, FitBank's Collection API offers beneficiary clients the ChangeBoleto method capable of changing the following information:
- Due Date - ChangeDueDateBoleto
- Principal Value - ChangePrincipalValueBoleto
- Rebate Value - ChangeRebateBoleto
- Fine Date - ChangeFineDateBoleto
Each information is related to an InstructionType, which defines what the beneficiary is changing. In addition, the method can contain from 1 to N InstructionType, enabling the boleto to have N information changed simultaneously.
The ChangeBoleto method will return a protocol number, which will be used to query whether the change instructions have taken effect. Each request sending is associated with a protocol number, independent of the numbers of instructions sent. If instructions to change the same boleto are sent in a new request, a new protocol number will be generated.
- Only issued or registered boletos can be changed;
- Boletos that are in the payment process, settled, or cancelled cannot be altered;
- Changing boletos works 24/7;
- Only the beneficiary of the boleto can change it.
"Method": "ChangeBoleto",
"PartnerId": 836,
"BusinessUnitId": 1260,
"DocumentNumber": "123670",
"TaxNumber": "65489102500168",
"Changes": [
"Type": "ChangeDueDateBoleto",
"Value": "31/03/2023"
"Type": "ChangePrincipalValueBoleto",
"Value": "10"
"Type": "ChangeRebateBoleto",
"Value": "0.5"
"Type": "ChangeFineDateBoleto",
"Value": "31/04/2023"
Parameter | Type | Description | Mandatory |
Method | String | ChangeBoleto | YES |
PartnerId | Long | FitBank provided ID | YES |
BusinessUnitId | Long | FitBank provided ID | YES |
DocumentNumber | String | Internal transaction identifier | YES |
TaxNumber | String | Payee's TaxNumber | YES |
Changes | Object | - | YES |
Type | String | Instruction type: ChangeDueDateBoleto ChangePrincipalValueBoleto ChangeRebateBoleto ChangeFineDateBoleto | YES |
Value | String | Change Value | YES |
Changing the due date of boleto
The customer will be able to change and insert the value of the new due date of the invoice sent in the object Changes a InstructionType ChangeDueDateBoleto
Changing the principal value of the boleto
If the customer issues a boleto with a wrong amount or different from what he wants, he can change it with the InstructionType ChangePrincipalValueBoleto
, in the ChangeBoleto
method. The amount can be modified without having to change the interest, penalty and discount fields.
Changing the rebate boleto
After issuing a boleto, the customer can change the rebate amount with InstructionType ChangeRebateBoleto
Change fine collection date
If you change the due date of the boleto, and the boleto has a fine, you should also change the date on which the fine is charged. The fine collection date must be greater than the boleto's due date.
The GetChangeBoleto method allows you to query whether the change instructions sent via the ChangeBoleto method were successfully effected. Return status:
- Created - Change instruction created
- Sending - Change instruction is being sent to register
- Sent - Instruction sent to register
- Processed - Instruction completed successfully
- Error - The change instruction was not carried out.
"Method": "GetChangeBoleto",
"PartnerId": 836,
"BusinessUnitId": 1260,
"TaxNumber": "65489102500168",
"ProtocolNumber": 102
Parameter | Type | Description | Mandatory |
Method | String | GetChangeBoleto | YES |
PartnerId | Long | FitBank provided ID | YES |
BusinessUnitId | Long | FitBank provided ID | YES |
TaxNumer | String | Payee's CPN/CNPJ | YES |
ProtocolNumber | String | Protocol number returned on response from the ChangeBoleto method | YES |
API Method = AlterBoletoInProducts
This method allows for the modification of the final beneficiary of the boleto, following these restrictions:
- Only the original issuer of the boleto has permission to make the modification, meaning only the original beneficiary can modify the boleto;
- The new value assigned to the final beneficiary must be equal to the original issuance value of the boleto;
- If the user provides more than one 'Receiver' account, the sum of the values assigned to each must equal the issuance value of the boleto;
- The Receivers accounts must exist and belong to FitBank, meaning the final beneficiary can only be changed to internal accounts;
- The Products object retains the same fields as at the time of issuance, meaning the mandatory rules for each field remain unchanged;
- Only boletos in created or registered status can be changed.
"Method": "AlterBoletoInProducts",
"PartnerId": 123,
"BusinessUnitId": 123,
"DocumentNumber": 7206003,
"TaxNumber": "96033583043",
"Products": [
"SellerPersonType": 0,
"SellerName": "MARGARIDA SILVA",
"SellerTaxNumber": "758.315.920-22",
"ReceiverPersonType": 0,
"ReceiverName": "MARGARIDA SILVA",
"ReceiverTaxNumber": "758.315.920-22",
"ReceiverBank": "",
"ReceiverBankBranch": "",
"ReceiverBankAccount": "",
"ReceiverBankAccountDigit": "",
"Reference": "1",
"ProductCode": "1",
"ProductName": "Boleto",
"ProductQty": 1,
"ProductValue": 10.20
Parameter | Type | Description | Mandatory |
Method | String | AlterBoletoInProducts | YES |
PartnerId | Long | FitBank provided ID | YES |
BusinessUnitId | Long | FitBank provided ID | YES |
DocumentNumber | String | Internal transaction identifier | YES |
TaxNumber | String | Payee's CPF/CNPJ | YES |
Products | Object | Product list | YES |
SellerPersonType | Int | Type of Issuer of the boleto 0 - Individuals (natural person) 1 - Company (legal person) | YES |
SellerName | String | Legal Name of the Boleto issuing account | YES |
SellerTaxNumber | String | CPF/CNPJ of the Boleto issuing account | YES |
ReceiverPersonType | Int | Type of receiver of the boleto 0 - Individuals (natural person) 1 - Company (legal person) | YES |
ReceiverName | String | Legal Name of the Boleto receiver | YES |
ReceiverTaxNumber | String | CPF/CNPJ of the Boleto receiver | YES |
ReceiverBank | String | Internal account receiver identification Bank | YES |
ReceiverBankBranch | String | Internal account receiver identification Bank Branch | YES |
ReceiverBankAccount | String | Internal account receiver identification Bank Account | YES |
ReceiverBankAccountDigit | String | Internal account receiver identification Bank Account Digit | YES |
Reference | String | Transaction description | YES |
ProductCode | String | Transaction description | YES |
ProductName | String | Transaction description | YES |
ProductQty | Decimal | Transaction description | YES |
ProductValue | Decimal | Value of boleto | YES |
You can check if the modification was successfully completed by using the GetBoletoInById method.
Updated 4 days ago