6 - Multi-Benefits

The multi-Benefits product is an increment to the Prepaid Card product, this increment is responsible for creating usage segmentations. It uses the Merchant Category Code (MCC), a 4-digit code used to classify businesses according to the type of industry/ business developed. This segmentation will create "rules" that allow the cardholder to use it only in certain types of establishments.
This product uses many methods in common with the Prepaid Card, the methods that are used particularly for the multi-benefit product are listed below.


This method is used to bind a rule to a card.

Example of requisition:

     "Method": "CreateCardPurchaseRule",  
     "PartnerId": 30326,  
     "BusinessUnitId": 30326,  
     "IdentifierCard": 800015485,  
     "PurchaseRuleId": 1208  


  "Success": "true",  
  "Message": "Regra 1208 vinculada com sucesso ao cartão 800015485"  

Meaning of the fields:

IdentifierCard: card identifier
PurchaseRuleId: Identifier of a rule.


This method is used to unlink a rule from a card.

     "Method": "UnbindCardPurchaseRule",  
     "PartnerId": 30326,  
     "BusinessUnitId": 30326,  
     "IdentifierCard": 800015485,  
     "PurchaseRuleId": 1208  


  "Success": "true",  
  "Message": "Regra desvinculada com sucesso."  

**Meaning of the fields:

**IdentifierCard: card identifier
PurchaseRuleId: Identifier of a purchase rule.


This method is used to transfer values from one benefit (rule) to another.

     "Method": "CardBenefitTransfer",  
     "PartnerId": 30326,  
     "BusinessUnitId": 30326,  
     "IdentifierCard": 800015485,  
     "BenefitFrom": 1208,  
     "BenefitTo": 1306,  
     "Value": 589.89,  
     "Identifier": "5ede542f-a7c4-4afb-9b63-129b8422d470"  


  "Success": "true",  
  "Message": "Transferência realizada com sucesso!"  

**Meaning of the fields:

**IdentifierCard: Card identifier
BenefitFrom: identifier of the benefit that will make the transfer
BenefitTo: Identifier of the benefit that will receive the transfer
Value: value to be transferred
Identifier: identifier in GUID format


This method is used to get a list of rules linked to a BU(Business Unit).

     "Method": "GetPurchaseRules",  
     "PartnerId": 30326,  
     "BusinessUnitId": 30326  


  "Success": "true",  
  "Regras": \[  
      "PurchaseRuleId": 97,  
      "Description": "Alimentação",  
      "CreationDate": "03/03/2022 11:10:23",  
      "Values": [  


This method is used to recharge the cardholder's card.

Request body

"Method": "RechargeCard",
"PartnerId": 30326,
"BusinessUnitId": 30326,
"TaxNumber": "59626023821",
"RechargeValue": 50,
"Identifier": "e64dc360-7692-483c-a242-91e7d533e1d7",
"PrepaidCardId": "800234100",
"PurchaseRuleId": 2


"Success": "true",
"Message": "ISI0179 - Solicitação de Recarga registrada com sucesso!",
"DocumentNumber": 93071543


This method is used to discharge the card from the cardholder.

Request body

"Method": "DischargeCard",
"PartnerId": 30326,
"BusinessUnitId": 30326,
"TaxNumber": "59626023821",
"DischargeValue": 50,
"Identifier": "e64dc360-7692-483c-a242-91e7d533e1d7",
"PrepaidCardId": "800234100",
"PurchaseRuleId": 2


"Success": "true",
"Message": "ISI0180 - Descarga efetuada com sucesso!",
"DocumentNumber": 92448006