Get Card Entry

This method is used to get information about card entries (transactions) within a specific date range. It returns details about the transactions made using the card, including the description, value, and date of each entry. This is useful for tracking card activity and ensuring proper usage of the benefits.

"Method": "GetCardEntry",
"PartnerId": 30326,
"BusinessUnitId": 30326,
"IdentifierCard": "800015485",
"PurchaseRuleId": 5
"InitialDate": "2023-10-01", 
"FinalDate": "2023-12-01" 
"Success": "true",
"Entries": "[{"EntryId":1434886985,
"Description":"Recarga cartão 800015485","EntryValue":450.00,"PurchaseRuleId": 5,
"EntryDate":"2022-03-03T06:06:41.897","Tags":"5638,Elo,VICTOR SANTIAGO"}]"

Field Descripition

MethodAPI method to be invoked.StringYes
PartnerIdIdentifier of the partner making the request.IntegerYes
BusinessUnitIdIdentifier of the business unit associated with the partner.IntegerYes
IdentifierCardUnique identifier of the card for which the entry is being queried.StringYes
PurchaseRuleIdIdentifier of the purchase rule applied to the card.IntegerYes
InitialDateThe start date for the entry query (format: yyyy-mm-dd).Date (String)Yes
FinalDateThe end date for the entry query (format: yyyy-mm-dd).Date (String)Yes

Get Card Balance

This method is used to get the current balance of a specific card. It provides the available balance for the card, which is essential for monitoring the remaining funds associated with the card. This is particularly useful for both users and administrators to ensure that there is sufficient balance before any transactions are made.

"Method": "GetCardBalance",
"PartnerId": 30326,
"BusinessUnitId": 30326,
"IdentifierCard": "800015485"
    "Success": true,
    "Balance": 0.50,
    "UsageType": 1,
    "Benefits": [
            "PurchaseRuleId": 10,
            "Name": "Pedágio",
            "Balance": 5.00
            "PurchaseRuleId": 8,
            "Name": "Refeição",
            "Balance": 5.50
    "Message": "Saldo do cartão obtido com sucesso"

Field Descripition

MethodAPI method to be invoked.StringYes
PartnerIdIdentifier of the partner making the request.IntegerYes
BusinessUnitIdIdentifier of the business unit associated with the partner.IntegerYes
IdentifierCardUnique identifier of the card for which the balance is being queried.StringYes

Get Purchase Rules

This method is used to list all the purchase rules that are available in the system. Purchase rules define the spending restrictions and permissions (such as specific MCC codes) for cards. The method provides a list of rules that can be linked to cards for controlling spending categories like food, transportation or health.

  "Method": "GetPurchaseRules",
  "PartnerId": 30326,
  "BusinessUnitId": 30326,
  "RuleConfig": 1
    "Success": true,
    "Regras": [
            "PurchaseRuleId": 10,
            "Description": "Pedágio",
            "CreationDate": "2022-08-11 10:46:17.627",
            "Values": ["2","4", "5" ]
            "PurchaseRuleId": 12,
            "Description": "Refeição
            "CreationDate": "2022-09-11 10:46:17.627",
            "Values": 6
            "MCC": ["6","9", "3"]

Field Descripition

MethodAPI method to be invoked.StringYes
PartnerIdIdentifier of the partner making the request.IntegerYes
BusinessUnitIdIdentifier of the business unit associated with the partner.IntegerYes
RuleConfigConfiguration of the purchase rules to be retrieved.IntegerYes
- 0 = Rules registered in the FitBank database
- 1 = Rules registered for a specific BU