Virtual Card Issue

API Method = Request Virtual Card

Request Virtual Card:

This method requests the issuance of a new virtual card. Typically, it involves a POST request to create a card with specific details.

Example of requisition:

  "Method": "RequestVirtualCard",
  "PartnerId": 30326,
  "BusinessUnitId": 30326,
  "EmbossingName": "Adriana Josefa",
  "IdentifierProduct": "FC0000001",
  "UsageType": "1",
  "CardOwner": {
    "OwnerTaxNumber": "59626023821",
    "FullName": "Adriana Teresinha Josefa Santos",
    "Phone": "71983928554",
    "Mail": "[email protected]"
  "CardHolder": {
    "HolderTaxNumber": "59626023821",
    "FullName": "Adriana Teresinha Josefa Santos",
    "BirthDate": "1992/20/02",
    "Nationality": "Brasileira",
    "Gender": "1",
    "MaritalStatus": "5",
    "MotherName": "Allana Vanessa Josefa"
  "CardHolderContact": {
    "Mail": "[email protected]",
    "Phone": "71983928554"
  "Success": "true",
  "Message": "Solicitação de cartão virtual registrada com sucesso. O processo poderá levar alguns minutos para ser concluído."
  "Success": "false",
  "Message": "ISE0014 - Informações enviadas estão inválidas. Veja a propriedade Validation do json para mais detalhes.",
  "Validation": [

Field Descripition:

MethodAPI method being called.StringYesRequestVirtualCard
PartnerIdUnique identifier for the partner (provided by FitBank).IntegerYes30326
BusinessUnitIdUnique identifier for the business unit (FitBank provided ID).IntegerYes30326
EmbossingNameName to be embossed on the virtual card.StringYesAdriana Josefa
IdentifierProductProduct identifier associated with the virtual card.StringNoFC0000001
UsageTypeType of card use, which can indicate specific categories or purposes for the card.String($enum)No1Enum: [Account Balance = 0, Account Overbalance = 1]
CardOwnerInformation about the virtual card owner.ObjectYes
  OwnerTaxNumberCPF/CNPJ number of the card owner.StringYes59626023821
  FullNameFull name of the owner.StringYesAdriana Teresinha Josefa Santos
  PhonePhone number of the owner.StringNo71983928554
  MailEmail address of the owner.StringNo[email protected]
CardHolderInformation about the virtual card holder.ObjectYes
  HolderTaxNumberCPF/CNPJ number of the card holder.StringNo
  FullNameFull name of the card holder.StringNo59626023821
  BirthDateBirthdate of the holder. Must be in ISO 8601 format.StringNoYYYY-MM-DD
  NationalityNationality of the holder.StringNoBrazilian
  GenderGender of the holder.String($enum)No1Enum: [Male = 0, Female = 1, Other = 2]
  MaritalStatusMarital status of the holder.String($enum)No5Enum: [NotMarried = 0, Married = 1, Divorced = 2, Separated = 3, Widower = 4, Single = 5, Other = 6]
  MotherNameMother's name of the holder.StringNoAllana Vanessa Josefa