Get Card Templates
Retrieves the configuration templates available for card issuance, such as limits, rules, and design.
Example of requisition:
"Method": "GetCardTemplates",
"PartnerId": 30326,
"BusinessUnitId": 30326,
"IdentifierProduct": "FC0000001",
"Index": 1,
"PageSize": 1,
"CardBrand": 1,
"CardType": 1
"Success": "true",
"Message": "Método executado com sucesso",
"Result": [
"ProductDescription": "FitBank Pré-pago PF - 001 - Crédito",
"BusinessUnitId": 494,
"IdentifierProduct": "FC0000007",
"NameTemplate": "FitBank Contactless Visa Débito",
"DateCreated": "06/06/2023 11:35:18",
"TypeCard": "Contacless",
"CardBrand": "Elo",
"CardType": "Débito"
"ProductDescription": "ELO DÉBITO VIRTUAL - Débito",
"BusinessUnitId": 494,
"IdentifierProduct": "FV0000014",
"NameTemplate": "ELO DÉBITO VIRTUAL",
"DateCreated": "06/06/2023 11:35:18",
"TypeCard": "Virtual",
"CardBrand": "Elo",
"CardType": "Débito"
Field Descripition:
Field | Description | Type | Required |
Method | API method to be invoked. | String | Yes |
PartnerId | Identifier of the partner making the request. | Integer | Yes |
BusinessUnitId | Identifier of the business unit associated with the partner. | Integer | Yes |
IdentifierProduct | Product code associated with the card templates being queried. | String | Yes |
Index | Page index to retrieve results from paginated data. | Integer | Yes |
PageSize | Number of items to return per page. | Integer | Yes |
CardBrand | Identifier for the card brand. Options: | Integer | No |
- Elo = 0 | |||
- Visa = 1 | |||
- Mastercard = 2 | |||
CardType | Type of card. Options: | Integer | No |
- Debit = 1 | |||
- Credit = 2 |
Get Card By Identifier Card
Retrieves the details of a specific card using its unique identifier, including status and balance information.
Example of requisition:
"Method": "GetCardByIdentifierCard",
"PartnerId": 30326,
"BusinessUnitId": 30326,
"IdentifierCard": "800015485"
"Success": "true",
"Message": "ISI0001 - Método executado com sucesso",
"Card": "{\"IdentifierCard\":\"800067388\",\"CardHolderName\":\"FranciscoAntônioSousa\",\"CardHolderTaxNumber\":\"01753185068\",\"CardOwnerName\":\"FranciscoAntônioSousa\",\"CardOwnerTaxNumber\":\"97402892000199\",\"Type\":0,\"Status\":4,\"PanLastDigits\":\"8627\",\"ExpirationDate\":null,\"UnlockedDate\":null,\"LastBlockedDate\":\"06/04/2022\",\"CardAddresses\":[{\"Type\":1,\"Line\":\"RuaDoutorHugoCatunda\",\"Complement\":\"Casa\",\"Number\":\"123\",\"Neighborhood\":\"Antonio\",\"ZipCode\":\"60115221\",\"City\":\"Ipueiras\",\"State\":\"CE\",\"Country\":\"Brasil\",\"Reference\":\"Salão123\"},{\"Type\":0,\"Line\":\"RuaDoutorHugoCatunda\",\"Complement\":\"Casa\",\"Number\":\"123\",\"Neighborhood\":\"Antonio\",\"ZipCode\":\"60115221\",\"City\":\"Ipueiras\",\"State\":\"CE\",\"Country\":\"Brasil\",\"Reference\":\"Salão123\"}],\"CardActionHistorics\":[{\"Action\":0,\"ChangingDate\":\"22/08/202209:08\",\"Status\":0},{\"Action\":0,\"ChangingDate\":\"22/08/202209:08\",\"Status\":1},{\"Action\":0,\"ChangingDate\":\"22/08/202210:08\",\"Status\":0},{\"Action\":0,\"ChangingDate\":\"22/08/202210:08\",\"Status\":1},{\"Action\":0,\"ChangingDate\":\"22/08/202210:08\",\"Status\":0},{\"Action\":0,\"ChangingDate\":\"22/08/202210:08\",\"Status\":2},{\"Action\":0,\"ChangingDate\":\"24/08/202214:08\",\"Status\":0}],\"IsBlocked\":true,\"ContactlessUseIsActive\":true,\"InternationalTransactionEnabled\":false,\"UsageType\":\"Overbalance\"}"
Field Descripition (Request):
Field | Description | Type | Required |
Method | API method to be invoked. | String | Yes |
PartnerId | Identifier of the partner making the request. | Integer | Yes |
BusinessUnitId | Identifier of the business unit associated with the partner. | Integer | Yes |
IdentifierCard | Unique identifier of the card to be retrieved. | String | Yes |
Field Descripition (Response):
Field | Description | Type | Required |
Success | Indicates if the operation was successful. | Boolean | |
Message | Status message of the operation. | String | |
Card | Detailed information about the card. Contains the following fields: | Object | |
└ IdentifierCard | Unique identifier of the card. | String | |
└ CardHolderName | Name of the cardholder. | String | |
└ CardHolderTaxNumber | CPF (tax identification number) of the cardholder. | String | |
└ CardOwnerName | Name of the card owner. | String | |
└ CardOwnerTaxNumber | CPF or CNPJ (tax identification number) of the card owner. | String | |
└ Type | Type of the card. Valid values: | Integer | |
0 | Physical card. | ||
1 | Virtual card. | ||
└ Status | Current status of the card. Valid values: | Integer | |
0 | Created (after user confirmation). | ||
1 | Requested (sent to processor, awaiting confirmation). | ||
2 | Generated (confirmed by the processor). | ||
3 | Bound (non-nominal: successfully bound). | ||
4 | Activated (card successfully activated). | ||
5 | ErrorBinding (non-nominal: binding error). | ||
6 | ErrorRequested (request error: processor did not confirm). | ||
7 | Inactive (card inactive). | ||
8 | Binding (non-nominal: binding request sent after generation). | ||
9 | PreError (batch creation incomplete, remaining cards have this status). | ||
10 | PreCreated (card request is pending user confirmation). | ||
└ PanLastDigits | Last four digits of the card PAN. | String | |
└ ExpirationDate | Expiration date of the card (if applicable). | String | |
└ UnlockedDate | Date when the card was unlocked (if applicable). | String | |
└ LastBlockedDate | Date when the card was last blocked. | String | |
└ CardAddresses | List of addresses associated with the card. Contains the following fields: | Array | |
└ Type | Type of address: 0 = Billing, 1 = Delivery. | Integer | |
└ Line | Address line (street). | String | |
└ Complement | Address complement. | String | |
└ Number | Address number. | String | |
└ Neighborhood | Neighborhood of the address. | String | |
└ ZipCode | ZIP code of the address. | String | |
└ City | City of the address. | String | |
└ State | State of the address. | String | |
└ Country | Country of the address. | String | |
└ Reference | Reference information for the address. | String | |
└ CardActionHistorics | Historical actions performed on the card. Contains the following fields: | Array | |
└ Action | Code representing the action performed. Valid values: | Integer | |
0 | Change Pin (change card PIN). | ||
1 | Activate (activate the card). | ||
2 | Block (block the card). | ||
3 | Unblock (unblock the card). | ||
4 | InactivateAndReissue (inactivate and reissue the card). | ||
6 | Cancellation (cancel the card). | ||
7 | UpdateContactless (update contactless usage configuration). | ||
└ ChangingDate | Date and time of the action. | String | |
└ Status | Status of the action performed. Valid values: | Integer | |
0 | Created (action in process). | ||
1 | Processed (action successfully completed). | ||
2 | Error (error while performing the action). | ||
└ IsBlocked | Indicates whether the card is blocked. | Boolean | |
└ ContactlessUseIsActive | Indicates whether contactless usage is enabled. | Boolean | |
└ InternationalTransactionEnabled | Indicates whether international transactions are enabled. | Boolean | |
└ UsageType | Card usage type. Valid values: | String | |
Balance | Balance control by payment account. | ||
Overbalance | Balance control by representative account. |
Get Card Batch By Id
Retrieves information about an issued batch of cards, identifying its attributes and status.
Example of requisition:
"Method": "GetCardBatchById",
"PartnerId": 30326,
"BusinessUnitId": 30326,
"CardBatchId": "ESV4UROD",
"PageSize": 1,
"Index": 1
"Success": "true",
"Message": "ISI0001 - Método executado com sucesso.",
"CardBatch": {
"Id": "ESV4UR0D",
"Status": "Criado",
"Amount": 3,
"Processed": 3,
"Cards": "800040343",
"WasConfirmed": true,
"StatusDescription": "Lote processado"
Field Descripition (Request):
Field | Description | Type | Required |
Method | The API method being invoked. | String | Yes |
PartnerId | Identifier of the partner making the request. | Integer | Yes |
BusinessUnitId | Identifier of the business unit associated with the partner. | Integer | Yes |
CardBatchId | Unique identifier of the card batch whose details are being queried. | String | Yes |
PageSize | The number of records to retrieve per page for pagination purposes. | Integer | Yes |
Index | The page index to retrieve, starting from 1. | Integer | Yes |
Field Descripition (Response):
Field | Description | Type | Required |
Success | Indicates whether the operation was successful. | Boolean | |
Message | Status message of the operation. | String | |
CardBatch | Contains details about the card batch. Includes the following fields: | Object | |
└ Id | Unique identifier of the card batch. | String | |
└ Status | The current status of the card batch. Possible values: | String | |
- "Criado": Created = 0 | |||
- "Registrado": Registered = 1 | |||
- "Registrando": Registering = 2 | |||
- "Erro": Error = 3 | |||
└ Amount | The total number of cards in the batch. | Integer | |
└ Processed | The number of cards already processed in the batch. | Integer | |
└ Cards | List of card identifiers included in the batch. | String | |
└ WasConfirmed | Indicates whether the batch was confirmed. | Boolean | |
└ StatusDescription | Human-readable description of the batch's status. Matches the Status field descriptions above. | String |
Get Card Balance
Retrieves the current balance of a card, displaying the funds available for use.
Example of requisition:
"Method": "GetCardBalance",
"PartnerId": 30326,
"BusinessUnitId": 30326,
"IdentifierCard": "800015485"
"Success": "true",
"Balance": 55.6,
"UsageType": "0",
"Message": "Saldo do cartão obtido com sucesso"
Field Descripition:
Field | Description | Type | Required |
Method | API method to be invoked. | String | Yes |
PartnerId | Identifier of the partner making the request. | Integer | Yes |
BusinessUnitId | Identifier of the business unit associated with the partner. | Integer | Yes |
IdentifierCard | Unique identifier of the card for which the balance is retrieved. | String | Yes |
List Cards
Lists all cards associated with a user or account, displaying their basic information.
Example of requisition:
"Method": "ListCards",
"PartnerId": 30326,
"BusinessUnitId": 30326,
"PageSize": 1,
"Index": 1,
"Status": 0,
"IdentifierProduct": "FC0000001"
"Success": "true",
"Message": "Lista de cartões obtida com sucesso",
"Cards": "[{\"IdentifierCard\": \"800004499\",\"CardHolderName\": null,\"CardHolderTaxNumber\": null,\"CardOwnerName\": null,\"CardOwnerTaxNumber\": null,\"Type\": 0,\"Status\": 2,\"IdentifierProduct\": \"FS0000002\",\"PanLastDigits\": \"4920\"},{\"IdentifierCard\": \"800005946\",\"CardHolderName\": null,\"CardHolderTaxNumber\": null,\"CardOwnerName\": null,\"CardOwnerTaxNumber\": null,\"Type\": 0,\"Status\": 2,\"IdentifierProduct\": \"FS0000003\",\"PanLastDigits\": \"2245\"},{\"IdentifierCard\": \"800003812\",\"CardHolderName\": null,\"CardHolderTaxNumber\": null,\"CardOwnerName\": null,\"CardOwnerTaxNumber\": null,\"Type\": 0,\"Status\": 2,\"IdentifierProduct\": \"FS0000002\",\"PanLastDigits\": \"2824\"},{\"IdentifierCard\": \"800009272\",\"CardHolderName\": null,\"CardHolderTaxNumber\": null,\"CardOwnerName\": null,\"CardOwnerTaxNumber\": null,\"Type\": 0,\"Status\": 2,\"IdentifierProduct\": \"FS0000003\",\"PanLastDigits\": \"3368\"},{\"IdentifierCard\": \"800005625\",\"CardHolderName\": null,\"CardHolderTaxNumber\": null,\"CardOwnerName\": null,\"CardOwnerTaxNumber\": null,\"Type\": 0,\"Status\": 2,\"IdentifierProduct\": \"FS0000004\",\"PanLastDigits\": \"9194\"}]"
Field Descripition:
Field | Description | Type | Required |
Method | API method to be invoked. Must be "ListCards". | String | Yes |
PartnerId | Identifier of the partner making the request. | Integer | Yes |
BusinessUnitId | Identifier of the business unit associated with the partner. | Integer | Yes |
PageSize | The number of records per page to retrieve. | Integer | Yes |
Index | The page index (starting from 1) for the request. | Integer | Yes |
Status | The status of the cards to retrieve. | Integer | Yes |
IdentifierProduct | Unique identifier for the card product. | String | Yes |
Get Card List
Provides a detailed query of a list of cards with advanced filters, enabling more specific analysis.
Example of requisition:
"Method": "GetCardList",
"PartnerId": 30326,
"BusinessUnitId": 30326,
"TaxNumber": "59626023821"
"Success": "true",
"Infos": "[{\"CardId\":90,\"FullName\":\"Victor Everton Santiago Barbosa\",\"IdentifierCard\":\"800000323\",\"PanLastDigits\":\"9171\",\"IsBlocked\":false,\"Status\":4,\"UseFunction\":\"Credit\",\"CardType\":\"Prepaid\",\"ContactlessUseIsActive\":false,\"UsageType\":1,\"EmbossingName\": \"Victor Santiago\",\"IsVirtual\": false,\"Id\":1,\"DeletionDate\":null,\"CreationDate\":null,\"CreationUserId\":0,\"UpdateDate\":null,\"UpdateUserId\":0,\"ErrorMessages\":[],\"EntityBefore\":null,\"HasFatalError\":null,\"TotalRows\":0,\"CachedAsNullFromDatabase\":false},{\"CardId\":91,\"FullName\":\"Victor Everton Santiago Barbosa\",\"IdentifierCard\":\"800000293\",\"PanLastDigits\":\"9875\",\"IsBlocked\":false,\"Status\":4,\"UseFunction\":\"Credit\",\"CardType\":\"Prepaid\",\"ContactlessUseIsActive\":false,\"UsageType\":1,\"EmbossingName\": \"Victor Santiago\",\"IsVirtual\": false,\"Id\":1,\"DeletionDate\":null,\"CreationDate\":null,\"CreationUserId\":0,\"UpdateDate\":null,\"UpdateUserId\":0,\"ErrorMessages\":[],\"EntityBefore\":null,\"HasFatalError\":null,\"TotalRows\":0,\"CachedAsNullFromDatabase\":false}]",
"Message": "ISI0001 - Método executado com sucesso"
Field Descripition (Request):
Field | Description | Type | Required |
Method | The API method to be invoked. | String | Yes |
PartnerId | Identifier of the partner making the request. | Integer | Yes |
BusinessUnitId | Identifier of the business unit associated with the partner. | Integer | Yes |
TaxNumber | The CPF (tax number) of the cardholder. | String | Yes |
Field Descripition (Response):
Field | Description | Type | Required |
Success | Indicates if the request was successful ("true" or "false"). | String | |
Message | A message that provides additional information or status about the request. | String | |
Infos | A list of cards retrieved, where each card has the following fields: | Array | |
- CardId | The unique identifier of the card. | Integer | |
- FullName | The full name of the cardholder. | String | |
- IdentifierCard | The unique identifier for the card. | String | |
- PanLastDigits | The last four digits of the card number (PAN). | String | |
- IsBlocked | Indicates whether the card is blocked ("true" or "false"). | Boolean | |
- Status | The current status of the card, such as active or inactive. | Integer | |
- UseFunction | The primary function of the card, such as "Credit". | String | |
- CardType | The type of card, such as "Prepaid". | String | |
- ContactlessUseIsActive | Indicates if the contactless feature is active ("true" or "false"). | Boolean | |
- UsageType | The usage type of the card, such as "Balance" or "Overbalance". | Integer | |
- EmbossingName | The name embossed on the card. | String | |
- IsVirtual | Indicates if the card is virtual ("true" or "false"). | Boolean | |
- Id | A unique identifier for the card record. | Integer | |
- DeletionDate | The date when the card was deleted, if applicable. | String | |
- CreationDate | The date when the card was created. | String | |
- CreationUserId | The ID of the user who created the card. | Integer | |
- UpdateDate | The date when the card was last updated, if applicable. | String | |
- UpdateUserId | The ID of the user who last updated the card. | Integer | |
- ErrorMessages | A list of error messages, if any. | Array | |
- EntityBefore | The entity status before any changes, if applicable. | String | |
- HasFatalError | Indicates if there was a fatal error during the card creation or update ("true" or "false"). | Boolean | |
- TotalRows | The total number of rows in the result. | Integer | |
- CachedAsNullFromDatabase | Indicates if the data was cached as null from the database ("true" or "false"). | Boolean |
Get Card Entry
Retrieves the transaction records of a card, including balance changes and movements.
Example of requisition:
"Method": "GetCardEntry",
"PartnerId": 30326,
"BusinessUnitId": 30326,
"IdentifierCard": "800015485",
"InitialDate": "2021/07/07",
"FinalDate": "2022/07/07"
"Success": "true",
"Entries": "[{\"EntryId\":1434886985,\"Description\":\"Recarga cartão 800015485\",\"EntryValue\":450.00,\"EntryDate\":\"2022-03-03T06:06:41.897\",\"Tags\":\"5638,Elo,VICTOR SANTIAGO\"}]"
Field Descripition:
Field | Description | Type | Required |
Method | The API method being invoked. | String | Yes |
PartnerId | Identifier of the partner making the request. | Integer | Yes |
BusinessUnitId | Identifier of the business unit associated with the partner. | Integer | Yes |
IdentifierCard | Unique identifier of the card for which the entry records are to be retrieved. | String | Yes |
InitialDate | The starting date for the query period, formatted as "YYYY/MM/DD". | String | Yes |
FinalDate | The ending date for the query period, formatted as "YYYY/MM/DD". | String | Yes |
Get Card Action Status
Checks the status of actions performed on a card, such as blocking, activation, or recharge.
Example of requisition:
"Method": "GetCardActionStatus",
"PartnerId": 30326,
"BusinessUnitId": 30326,
"IdentifierCard": "800015485",
"Action": "2"
"Success": "true",
"ResultDescription": "Comando concluído com sucesso",
"Status": "0"
Field Descripition:
Field | Description | Type | Required |
Method | The API method being invoked. | String | Yes |
PartnerId | Identifier of the partner making the request. | Integer | Yes |
BusinessUnitId | Identifier of the business unit associated with the partner. | Integer | Yes |
IdentifierCard | Unique identifier of the card for which the action status is to be retrieved. | String | Yes |
Action | Specifies the action whose status is being queried. Possible values: | Integer | Yes |
- 0: Password change (ChangePin) | |||
- 1: Card activation (Activate) | |||
- 2: Block of card (Block) | |||
- 3: Unblock card (Unblock) | |||
- 4: Inactive and Reissued (InactivateAndReissue) | |||
- 5: Cancellation | |||
- 6: Change CVV (ChangeCVV) | |||
- 7: Update Contactless |
Update Card Contactless
Updates the contactless usage settings of a card, enabling or disabling the feature.
Example of requisition:
"Method": "UpdateCardContactless",
"PartnerId": 30326,
"BusinessUnitId": 30326,
"Allow": false,
"IdentifierCard": "800015485"
"Success": "true",
"Messagem": "Método executado com sucesso"
Field Descripition:
Field | Description | Type | Required |
Method | The API method to be invoked. | String | Yes |
PartnerId | Identifier of the partner making the request. | Integer | Yes |
BusinessUnitId | Identifier of the business unit associated with the partner. | Integer | Yes |
Allow | Indicates whether contactless usage is allowed (true) or disabled (false). | Boolean | Yes |
IdentifierCard | Unique identifier of the card for which the setting will be changed. | String | Yes |
Get Card Tracking By Identifier
Retrieves tracking information for a card based on its identifier, including shipping and delivery status.
Example of requisition:
"Method": "GetCardTrackingByIdentifier",
"PartnerId": 30326,
"BusinessUnitId": 30326,
"IdentifierCard": "800015485"
"Success": "true",
"Details": {
"TrackingId": "800023629",
"Client": "Fabricio Augusto",
"Document": "23567543234",
"ImportDate": "16/04/2018 18:50:00",
"CollectionDate": "16/04/2018 18:50:00",
"DeliveryDate": "16/04/2018 18:50:00",
"DeliveryForecast": "16/04/2018 18:50:00",
"DeliveryDetails": {
"Kinship": "pai",
"Reciever": "Roberto Firmino",
"Document": "24567543234",
"Tries": 1
"Historic": [
"OcurrenceDate": "16/04/2018 18:50:00",
"EventId": 2500,
"Event": "Entreguepelo Terceiro",
"SecondaryOrderNumber": null,
"CurrentFranchise": "SAO",
"Local": "SAO PAULO",
"Status": "Endereçoerrado/insuficiente"
"OcurrenceDate": "16/04/2018 18:50:00",
"EventId": 2600,
"Event": "Devolvido pelo Terceiro",
"SecondaryOrderNumber": null,
"CurrentFranchise": "SAO",
"Local": "SAO PAULO",
"Status": "Endereçoerrado/insuficiente"
Field Descripition (Request):
Field | Description | Type | Required |
Method | The API method to be invoked. | String | Yes |
PartnerId | Identifier of the partner making the request. | Integer | Yes |
BusinessUnitId | Identifier of the business unit associated with the partner. | Integer | Yes |
IdentifierCard | Unique identifier of the card to retrieve its tracking information. | String | Yes |
Field Descripition (Response):
Field | Description | Type | Required |
TrackingId | Card identifier (BarCode Number). | String | Yes |
Client | Client's full name. | String | Yes |
Document | Social Security Number (SSN) of the client. | String | Yes |
ImportDate | Date when the tracking information was imported. | String | Yes |
CollectionDate | Date when the card was collected for delivery. | String | Yes |
DeliveryDate | Date when the card was delivered. | String | Yes |
DeliveryForecast | Forecasted delivery date. | String | Yes |
DeliveryDetails.Kinship | Relationship of the recipient to the client (e.g., father, mother). | String | Yes |
DeliveryDetails.Reciever | Name of the recipient. | String | Yes |
DeliveryDetails.Document | Social Security number signed on delivery by the recipient. | String | Yes |
DeliveryDetails.Tries | Number of delivery attempts made. | Integer | Yes |
Historic | Array of historical events related to the delivery. | Array | Yes |
Historic.OcurrenceDate | Date when the event occurred. | String | Yes |
Historic.EventId | Event code corresponding to the event. Possible values include: | Integer | Yes |
Updated about 14 hours ago