4 - Card Holders

Create Card Holder

Creates a new cardholder, registering personal information and linking them to the system for card issuance or management.

Example of requisition:

  "Method": "CreateCardHolder",
  "PartnerId": 30326,
  "BusinessUnitId": 30326,
  "HolderTaxNumber": "59626023821",
  "FullName": "Adriana Teresinha Josefa Santos",
  "MotherName": "Allana Vanessa Josefa",
  "BirthDate": "1992/20/02",
  "Gender": "1",
  "Nationality": "Brasileira",
  "MaritalStatus": "5",
  "Phone": "71983928554",
  "Mail": "[email protected]"
  "Success": "true",
  "Message": "MSG0006 - Portador do cartão cadastrado com sucesso."

Field Descripition:

MethodAPI method to be invoked.StringYes
PartnerIdIdentifier of the partner making the request.IntegerYes
BusinessUnitIdIdentifier of the business unit associated with the partner.IntegerYes
HolderTaxNumberTax number (e.g., CPF in Brazil) of the cardholder being created.StringYes
FullNameFull name of the cardholder.StringYes
MotherNameFull name of the cardholder's mother.StringYes
BirthDateDate of birth of the cardholder in the format YYYY/DD/MM.StringYes
GenderGender of the cardholder. Options:StringYes
- Male (0): Male.
- Female (1): Female.
- Other (2): Other.
NationalityNationality of the cardholder.StringYes
MaritalStatusMarital status of the cardholder. Options:StringYes
- NotMarried (0): Stable union.
- Married (1): Married.
- Divorced (2): Divorced.
- Separate (3): Separated.
- Widower (4): Widowed.
- Single (5): Single.
- Other (6): Other.
PhonePhone number of the cardholder.StringYes
MailEmail address of the cardholder.StringYes

Update Card Holder

Updates the information of an existing cardholder, ensuring that data remains current in the system.

Example of requisition:

  "Method": "UpdateCardHolder",
  "PartnerId": 30326,
  "BusinessUnitId": 30326,
  "HolderTaxNumber": "59626023821",
  "FullName": "Adriana Teresinha Josefa Santos",
  "MotherName": "Allana Vanessa Josefa",
  "BirthDate": "1992/20/02",
  "Gender": "1",
  "Nationality": "Brasileira",
  "MaritalStatus": "5",
  "Phone": "71983928554",
  "Mail": "[email protected]"
  "Success": "true",
  "Message": "MSG0007 - Portador do cartão atualizado com sucesso."

Field Descripition:

MethodAPI method to be invoked.StringYes
PartnerIdIdentifier of the partner making the request.IntegerYes
BusinessUnitIdIdentifier of the business unit associated with the partner.IntegerYes
HolderTaxNumberTax number (e.g., CPF in Brazil) of the cardholder being updated.StringYes
FullNameUpdated full name of the cardholder.StringYes
MotherNameUpdated full name of the cardholder's mother.StringYes
BirthDateUpdated date of birth of the cardholder in the format YYYY/DD/MM.StringYes
GenderUpdated gender of the cardholder. Options:StringYes
- Male (0): Male.
- Female (1): Female.
- Other (2): Other.
NationalityUpdated nationality of the cardholder.StringYes
MaritalStatusUpdated marital status of the cardholder.StringYes
- NotMarried (0): Stable union.
- Married (1): Married.
- Divorced (2): Divorced.
- Separate (3): Separated.
- Widower (4): Widowed.
- Single (5): Single.
- Other (6): Other.
PhoneUpdated phone number of the cardholder.StringYes
MailUpdated email address of the cardholder.StringYes

Get Card Holders

Retrieves the list of cardholders registered in the system, displaying relevant details for management and monitoring.

Example of requisition:

  "Method": "GetCardHolders",
  "PartnerId": 30326,
  "BusinessUnitId": 30326
  "Success": "true",
  "Message": "ISI0001 - Método executado com sucesso",
  "CardHolders": "[{\"HolderTaxNumber\":\"06994676323\",\"Nationality\":\"brasileiro\",\"MotherName\":\"Maria de Lourdes\",\"Gender\":\"Male\",\"FullName\":\"Matheus Cavalcante\",\"BirthDate\":\"03/11/1996 00:00:00\",\"MaritalStatus\":\"Married\"},{\"HolderTaxNumber\":\"61034135325\",\"Nationality\":\"Brasileiro\",\"MotherName\":\"Albaniza Santiago\",\"Gender\":\"Male\",\"FullName\":\"Victor Everton Santiago Barbosa\",\"BirthDate\":\"17/08/1997 00:00:00\",\"MaritalStatus\":\"Single\"}]"

Field Descripition:

MethodAPI method to be invoked.StringYes
PartnerIdIdentifier of the partner making the request.IntegerYes
BusinessUnitIdIdentifier of the business unit associated with the partner.IntegerYes