4 - Card Holders
Create Card Holder
Creates a new cardholder, registering personal information and linking them to the system for card issuance or management.
Example of requisition:
"Method": "CreateCardHolder",
"PartnerId": 30326,
"BusinessUnitId": 30326,
"HolderTaxNumber": "59626023821",
"FullName": "Adriana Teresinha Josefa Santos",
"MotherName": "Allana Vanessa Josefa",
"BirthDate": "1992/20/02",
"Gender": "1",
"Nationality": "Brasileira",
"MaritalStatus": "5",
"Phone": "71983928554",
"Mail": "[email protected]"
"Success": "true",
"Message": "MSG0006 - Portador do cartão cadastrado com sucesso."
Field Descripition:
Field | Description | Type | Required |
Method | API method to be invoked. | String | Yes |
PartnerId | Identifier of the partner making the request. | Integer | Yes |
BusinessUnitId | Identifier of the business unit associated with the partner. | Integer | Yes |
HolderTaxNumber | Tax number (e.g., CPF in Brazil) of the cardholder being created. | String | Yes |
FullName | Full name of the cardholder. | String | Yes |
MotherName | Full name of the cardholder's mother. | String | Yes |
BirthDate | Date of birth of the cardholder in the format YYYY/DD/MM. | String | Yes |
Gender | Gender of the cardholder. Options: | String | Yes |
- Male (0): Male. | |||
- Female (1): Female. | |||
- Other (2): Other. | |||
Nationality | Nationality of the cardholder. | String | Yes |
MaritalStatus | Marital status of the cardholder. Options: | String | Yes |
- NotMarried (0): Stable union. | |||
- Married (1): Married. | |||
- Divorced (2): Divorced. | |||
- Separate (3): Separated. | |||
- Widower (4): Widowed. | |||
- Single (5): Single. | |||
- Other (6): Other. | |||
Phone | Phone number of the cardholder. | String | Yes |
Email address of the cardholder. | String | Yes |
Update Card Holder
Updates the information of an existing cardholder, ensuring that data remains current in the system.
Example of requisition:
"Method": "UpdateCardHolder",
"PartnerId": 30326,
"BusinessUnitId": 30326,
"HolderTaxNumber": "59626023821",
"FullName": "Adriana Teresinha Josefa Santos",
"MotherName": "Allana Vanessa Josefa",
"BirthDate": "1992/20/02",
"Gender": "1",
"Nationality": "Brasileira",
"MaritalStatus": "5",
"Phone": "71983928554",
"Mail": "[email protected]"
"Success": "true",
"Message": "MSG0007 - Portador do cartão atualizado com sucesso."
Field Descripition:
Field | Description | Type | Required |
Method | API method to be invoked. | String | Yes |
PartnerId | Identifier of the partner making the request. | Integer | Yes |
BusinessUnitId | Identifier of the business unit associated with the partner. | Integer | Yes |
HolderTaxNumber | Tax number (e.g., CPF in Brazil) of the cardholder being updated. | String | Yes |
FullName | Updated full name of the cardholder. | String | Yes |
MotherName | Updated full name of the cardholder's mother. | String | Yes |
BirthDate | Updated date of birth of the cardholder in the format YYYY/DD/MM. | String | Yes |
Gender | Updated gender of the cardholder. Options: | String | Yes |
- Male (0): Male. | |||
- Female (1): Female. | |||
- Other (2): Other. | |||
Nationality | Updated nationality of the cardholder. | String | Yes |
MaritalStatus | Updated marital status of the cardholder. | String | Yes |
- NotMarried (0): Stable union. | |||
- Married (1): Married. | |||
- Divorced (2): Divorced. | |||
- Separate (3): Separated. | |||
- Widower (4): Widowed. | |||
- Single (5): Single. | |||
- Other (6): Other. | |||
Phone | Updated phone number of the cardholder. | String | Yes |
Updated email address of the cardholder. | String | Yes |
Get Card Holders
Retrieves the list of cardholders registered in the system, displaying relevant details for management and monitoring.
Example of requisition:
"Method": "GetCardHolders",
"PartnerId": 30326,
"BusinessUnitId": 30326
"Success": "true",
"Message": "ISI0001 - Método executado com sucesso",
"CardHolders": "[{\"HolderTaxNumber\":\"06994676323\",\"Nationality\":\"brasileiro\",\"MotherName\":\"Maria de Lourdes\",\"Gender\":\"Male\",\"FullName\":\"Matheus Cavalcante\",\"BirthDate\":\"03/11/1996 00:00:00\",\"MaritalStatus\":\"Married\"},{\"HolderTaxNumber\":\"61034135325\",\"Nationality\":\"Brasileiro\",\"MotherName\":\"Albaniza Santiago\",\"Gender\":\"Male\",\"FullName\":\"Victor Everton Santiago Barbosa\",\"BirthDate\":\"17/08/1997 00:00:00\",\"MaritalStatus\":\"Single\"}]"
Field Descripition:
Field | Description | Type | Required |
Method | API method to be invoked. | String | Yes |
PartnerId | Identifier of the partner making the request. | Integer | Yes |
BusinessUnitId | Identifier of the business unit associated with the partner. | Integer | Yes |
Updated 18 days ago