2 - Creation
Nominal cards
This method is used to request a nominal card.
The cardholder must have a regular account, otherwise the cardholder will not be able to use any card application method!
"Method": "RequestCard",
"PartnerId": 30326,
"BusinessUnitId": 30326,
"UsageType": "1",
"ConsumeType": "1",
"IdentifierProduct": "FC0000001",
"RateValueType": "1",
"RateValue": 11.22,
"EmbossingNameType": "1",
"EmbossingName": "Adriana Josefa",
"CardOwner": {
"OwnerTaxNumber": "59626023821",
"FullName": "Adriana Teresinha Josefa Santos",
"Phone ": "71983928554",
"Mail": "[email protected]",
"Bank": "001",
"BankAccount": "01241455",
"BankAccountDigit": "1",
"BankBranch": "0001"
"CardHolder": {
"HolderTaxNumber": "59626023821",
"FullName": "Adriana Teresinha Josefa Santos",
"MotherName": "Allana Vanessa Josefa",
"BirthDate": "12/20/1992",
"Gender": "1",
"Nationality": "Brasileira",
"MaritalStatus": "1"
"CardHolderContact": {
"Phone": "71983928554",
"Mail": "[email protected]"
"BillingAddress": { *Optional
"Line": "Av José Bastos",
"Number": "4140",
"Complement": "AP 303",
"Reference": "Ao lado da JM Veículos",
"Neighborhood": "Rodolfo Teófilo",
"ZipCode": "60431086",
"City": "Fortaleza",
"State": "CE",
"Country": "Brasil"
"CardDeliveryAddress": {
"Line": "Av José Bastos",
"Number": "4140",
"Complement": "AP 303",
"Reference": "Ao lado da JM Veículos",
"Neighborhood": "Rodolfo Teófilo",
"ZipCode": "60431086",
"City": "Fortaleza",
"State": "CE",
"Country": "Brasil"
"Success": "true",
"IdentifierCard": "800018694",
"Message": "Solicitação de cartão processada com sucesso"
**Meaning of the fields:
- **Card owner information (CardOwner)
- CPF (OwnerTaxNumber)
- Full name (FullName) if EmbossingNameType = 1 character limit = 22
- Phone(Phone)* (DDD + Phone)
- Email (Mail)
- Bank Code (Bank) *Optional
- Branch (BankBranch) *Optional
- Account Number (BankAccount) *Optional
- Account Digit (BankAccountDigit) *Optional
- Information about the cardholder (CardHolder)
CPF (HolderTaxNumber)
Full name (FullName) if EmbossingNameType = 0 character limit = 22
Mother's full name (MotherName)
Genre (Gender)
Date of birth (BirthDate)*
*Note: This field is in the order - month/day/year. -
MaritalStatus :
Description "União Estável" = NotMarried = 0,
Description "Casado" = Married = 1,
Description "Divorciado" = Divorced = 2,
Description "Separado" = Separate = 3,
Description "Viúvo" = Widower = 4,
Description "Solteiro" = Single = 5,
Description "Outros" = Other = 6 -
Description "Masculino" = Male = 0,
Description "Feminino" = Female = 1,
Description "Outros" = Other = 2 -
Contact (CardHolderContact)
Phone (Phone)* (DDD + Telefone)
example: 71983928554 -
Email (Mail)
example: [email protected]
- Billing Address (BillingAddress)
- Address (Line)
example: Av José Bastos - Number (Number)
example: 4140 - Complement
example: AP 303 - Reference (Reference)
Next to JM Veículos - Neighborhood
example: Rodolfo Teófilo - CEP (ZipCode)
example: 60431086 - City (City)
example: Fortress - State
example: EC - Country (Country)
example: Brazil
- Delivery address (CardDeliveryAddress)
- Address (Line)
example: Av José Bastos - Number (Number)
example: 4140 - Complement
example: AP 303 - Reference (Reference)
Next to JM Veículos - Neighborhood
example: Rodolfo Teófilo - CEP (ZipCode)
example: 60431086 - City (City)
example: Fortress - State
example: EC - Country (Country)
example: Brazil
The “Type” of the billing/delivery address:
Billing = 0 or Delivery = 1 -
Card type (UsageType) choose between (Modes):
- Balance control by payment account (Balance - 0)
- Balance control by representative account (OverBalance - 1)
Choose a card product code (IdentifierProduct) according to the
desired design. -
RateValue and RateValueType, status:
Sent = 0 - Billing (Request)
Default = 1 - Billing (BU)
None = 2 - No Charge
Optional fields in the RequestCard method:
EmbossingNameType : "Type of the printed name (0 - CardHolder , 1 -
EmbossingName: "Name that will be printed on the card - characters limit = 22"
ConsumeType: "Type of card consumption (0 - WithLimit, 1 - NoLimit)"
RateValueType: "Type of rate for charging (0 - Sent, 1 - Default, 2 - None)"
RateValue: "Rate value".
When the value is "Sent", the "RateValue" field is used to charge the fee.
When the value is "None" no fee is charged.
When the value is "Default", the rate parameterized in the Unit of
customer business
Note : If the user wants to go through a confirmation step,
necessary to enable the parameter "Requires further confirmation of
card application" in the BU.
This method generates the status of “ Pre-created” and after it’s confirmation becames “Created”.
This method works both for an individual card request and for a batch of cards ( in these case, the field "IdentifierCard" will be filled with the batch number).
Request Body - Individual card
"Method": "ConfirmCardRequest",
"PartnerId": 30326,
"BusinessUnitId": 30326,
"IdentifierCard": "800015485"
Request Body - Card Batch
"Method": "ConfirmCardRequest",
"PartnerId": 30326,
"BusinessUnitId": 30326,
"IdentifierCard": "MYJB02RI"
"Success": "true",
"IdentifierCard": "800015485",
"Message": "Confirmação realizada com sucesso"
This method is used to activate a card after it’s request by RequestCard or the step performed by RequestUnnameCard plus BindUnnamedCard .
"Method": "ActivateCard",
"PartnerId": 30326,
"BusinessUnitId": 30326,
"IdentifierCard": "800015485",
"RateValue": 1.9,
"RateValueType": "1"
"Success": "true",
"Message": " Solicitação de ativação registrada com sucesso!"
Note: If the user has executed the “InactivateAndReissueCard” method, the new “Card” that he will receive in the response must be placed in the “ActivateCard” method and, subsequently, the “ChangePinCard” must be executed to create the card password.
Meaning of the fields:
Card Identifier (IdentifierCard)
(This method will only be successful after PaySmart responds that your card has
was approved!) -
RateValue and RateValueType, status:
Sent = 0 - Billing (Request)
Default = 1 - Billing (BU)
None = 2 - No Charge
This method is used to change Card password:
Request body
"Method": "ChangePinCard",
"PartnerId": 30326,
"BusinessUnitId": 30326,
"IdentifierCard": "800015485",
"CurrentPin": "NDAyNw==",
"Pin": "MTIzNA==",
"PinCheck": "MTIzNA=="
"Success": "true",
"Message": " Solicitação de ativação registrada com sucesso!"
Note : When changing the password for the first time, the “CurrentPin” field must be
put “null” and the fields “pin” and “PinCheck” must be put the password already
modified in base 64.
• ChangePinCard requires a base 64 conversion for the 4 digits on the card
Non-nominal cards
This method is used to request a non-nominal card.
"Method": "RequestUnnamedCard",
"PartnerId": 30326,
"BusinessUnitId": 30326,
"CardOwner": {
"OwnerTaxNumber": "59626023821",
"FullName": "Adriana Teresinha Josefa Santos",
"Phone": "71983928554",
"Mail": "[email protected]",
"Bank": "001",
"BankAccount": "01241455",
"BankAccountDigit": "1",
"BankBranch": "0001"
"CardDeliveryAddress": {
"Line": "Av José Bastos",
"Number": "4140",
"Complement": "AP 303",
"Reference": "Ao lado da JM Veículos",
"Neighborhood": "Rodolfo Teófilo",
"ZipCode": "60431086",
"City": "Fortaleza",
"State": "CE",
"Country": "Brasil"
"IdentifierProduct": "FC0000001",
"UsageType": "1",
"ConsumeType": "1"
"Success": "true",
"IdentifierCard": "800018694",
"Message": "Solicitação de cartão processada com sucesso"
Meaning of the fields:
- Card owner information (CardOwner) *Optional
- CPF (OwnerTaxNumber) *Optional
- Full Name (FullName) *Optional
- Telephone (Phone) _ (DDD + Telephone) _Optional
- Email (Mail) *Optional
- Bank Code (Bank) *Optional
- Branch (BankBranch) *Optional
- Account Number (BankAccount) *Optional
- Account Digit (BankAccountDigit) *Optional
- Delivery address (CardDeliveryAddress)
- Address (Line)
- Number (Number)
- Complement
- Reference (Reference)*Optional
- Neighborhood
- CEP (ZipCode)
- City (City)
- State
- Country (Country)
The “Type” of the billing/delivery address:
Billing = 0 or Delivery = 1 -
Choose a card product code (IdentifierProduct) according to the
desired design.
*Note: If the user wants to go through a confirmation step,
necessary to enable the parameter "Requires further confirmation of
card application" in the BU.
BindUnnamedCard Method used to linka card to a cardholder (RequestUnnamedCard cards only) :
"Method": "BindUnnamedCard",
"PartnerId": 30326,
"BusinessUnitId": 30326,
"CardOwner": {
"OwnerTaxNumber": "59626023821",
"FullName": "Adriana Teresinha Josefa Santos",
"Phone": "71983928554",
"Mail": "[email protected]",
"Bank": "001", *Opcional
"BankAccount": "01241455", *Opcional
"BankAccountDigit": "1", *Opcional
"BankBranch": "0001" *Opcional
"CardHolder": {
"HolderTaxNumber": "59626023821",
"FullName": "Adriana Teresinha Josefa Santos",
"MotherName": "Allana Vanessa Josefa",
"BirthDate": "12/20/1992",
"Gender": "1",
"Nationality": "Brasileira",
"MaritalStatus": "1"
"CardHolderContact": {
"Phone": "71983928554",
"Mail": "[email protected]"
"IdentifierCard": "800015485",
"UsageType": "1"
"Success": "true",
"Message": "Cartão vinculado com sucesso"
**Meaning of the fields:
- **Card owner information (CardOwner)
- CPF (OwnerTaxNumber)
- Full name (FullName)
- Telephone (Phone) * (DDD + Telephone)
- Email (Mail)
- Bank Code (Bank) *Optional
- Branch (BankBranch) *Optional
- Account Number (BankAccount) *Optional
- Account Digit (BankAccountDigit) *Optional
- Information about the cardholder (CardHolder)
- CPF (HolderTaxNumber)
- Full name (FullName)
- Nationality
- Mother's full name (MotherName)
- Genre (Gender)
- Date of birth (BirthDate)*
*Note: This field is in the order - month/day/year. - Marital Status (Marital Status)
Description "Stable Union" = NotMarried = 0,
Description "Married" = Married = 1,
Description "Divorced" = Divorced = 2,
Description "Separate" = Separate = 3,
Description "Widower" = Widower = 4,
Description "Single" = Single = 5,
Description "Others" = Other = 6 - Contact (CardHolderCOtact) {
- Telephone (Phone)
- Email (Mail)
Card Identifier (IdentifierCard)
Card Type (UsageType) choose between:
- Balance control by payment account (Balance - 0)
- Balance control by representative account (OverBalance - 1)
This method is used to activate a card after it’s request by RequestCard or the step performed by (RequestUnnamedCard + BindUnnamedCard):
Request body
"Method": "ActivateCard",
"PartnerId": 30326,
"BusinessUnitId": 30326,
"IdentifierCard": "800015485",
"RateValue": 1.9, *Opcional
"RateValueType": "1" *Opcional
"Success": "true",
"Message": " Solicitação de ativação registrada com sucesso!"
Note: If the user has executed the “InactivateAndReissueCard” method, the new “Card” that he will receive in the response must be placed in the “ActivateCard” method and, subsequently, the “ChangePinCard” must be executed to create the card password
**Meaning of the fields:
- **Card Identifier (IdentifierCard)
(This method will only be successful after PaySmart responds that your card has
was approved!) - RateValue and RateValueType, status:
Sent = 0 - Billing (Request)
Default = 1 - Billing (BU)
None = 2 - No Charge
ConfirmCardRequest Method which generates a status of “PreCreated” and after confirmation it becomes “Created”.
Request body
"Method": "ConfirmCardRequest",
"PartnerId": 30326,
"BusinessUnitId": 30326,
"IdentifierCard": "800015485"
"Success": "true",
"IdentifierCard": "800015485",
"Message": "Confirmação realizada com sucesso"
This method is used to change Card password:
Request body
"Method": "ChangePinCard",
"PartnerId": 30326,
"BusinessUnitId": 30326,
"IdentifierCard": "800015485",
"CurrentPin": "NDAyNw==",
"Pin": "MTIzNA==",
"PinCheck": "MTIzNA=="
"Success": "true",
"Message": " Solicitação de ativação registrada com sucesso!"
This method is used to request a card batch.
Request body
"Method": "RequestCardBatch",
"PartnerId": 10382,
"BusinessUnitId": 30456,
"UsageType": " Balance = 0 e Overbalance = 1",
"Amount": "Quantidade de cartões",
"IdentifierProduct": "Identificador do produto",
"ConsumeType": "WithLimit = 0 NoLimit = 1",
"Address": {
"Line": "Rua Raimunda Flor do Nascimento",
"Number": 187,
"Complement": "Casa",
"Reference": "Proximo a restaurante",
"Neighborhood": "Aldeota",
"City": "Crateus",
"State": "CE",
"ZipCode": "60115221",
"Country": "Brasil",
"Success": "true",
"CardBatchId": "MYJB02RI",
"Message": "Lote de cartões não nominais solicitado"
Meaning of fields
Balance = 0 - balance control by payment account
Overbalance = 1 - balance control by representative account
Consumer type:
WithLimit = 0 - the card has limit
NoLimit = 1 - the card has no limit
Updated 22 days ago