5 - Canceling

Cancelling a Payment Order

The Payment Order client may, at any time, request the cancellation of an issued Payment Order.



The cancellation request will be refused when the payment order is in the following statuses: Created, Verifying, Pending or CanBePreAuthorized.

API Method = CancelPaymentOrder

    "Method": "CancelPaymentOrder",
    "partnerId": 299,
    "businessUnitId": 441,
    "TaxNumber": "72522358073",
    "PaymentOrderId": 123456


MethodName of the method to be usedYESSTRINGNone
PartnerIdPartner identifier provided by FitBankYESBIGINTNone
BusinessUnitIdBusiness unit identifier provided by FitBankYESBIGINTNone
PaymentOrderIdOperation document numberYESINTEGERNone

Successful Response:

  "Success": "true",
  "DocumentNumber": 14147,
  "Message": "ISI0468 - Canceled Payment Order."

Failure Response:

  "Success": "false",
  "Message": "API0011 - Information sent is invalid. See json Validation property for more details",
  "Validation": [

PaymentOrder Status

0CreatedCreated Payment Order
7VerifyingBeneficiary of the Payment Order pending validation
17PendingPayment Order exceeded maximum amount
13CanBePreAuthorizedPayment Order fees are about to be charged